sobota, 31. december 2011

7-Day Motivational Weight Loss Guide

Fat loss is hard. And once in a while, everyone loses their
motivation for diet and exercise. So that's why I'm bringing you 7 tips to help you lose more fat in less time over this upcoming

(If you are a complete beginner, please refer to the 21-day
quickstart guide in the Turbulence Training manual for more details on how to develop key healthy habits during the essential start-up phase of your fat loss program.)

If you're a M-F, 9-5 employee, you know that Saturday or Sunday has to be your day to hit the grocery store and get fresh meat and produce to prepare your meals for the next week.

I'm a big fan of picking up some fresh salmon fillets and asparagus for Sunday dinner. Chicken breasts can be cooked in bunches for freezing and then used over the week as easy lunchtime protein sources. Fruits and vegetables are washed and prepared for cooking or snacking, and almonds, pecans, walnuts, and organic beef jerky are packed into travel bags for when I'm on the go.

Prepare and succeed. It's that easy.

So print this out, put it on your fridge, and let it guide you to
your fat loss goals, while keeping your workouts fun and motivating.

Now here we go with our day-by-day guide...


On Monday, your motivation will be high to have a great Turbulence Training Workout.

Plan to set a personal record in your workout today. If you are a
beginner, that might mean using a higher level on the cardio
machine for 1-2 minutes, or doing 2-3 extra pushups per set. For the advanced fat loss program, it might mean using 2.5 more pounds per dumbbell in your split squats, or extending your intervals by 5 seconds per sprint.

By continuously aiming to achieve a personal best in your workouts, you will ensure that you are pushing your body to adapt - to change for the better.

Now you don't have to set a record on every set for every exercise. Just pick one record that you want to break each workout. Aim for constant improvement.


This will be an off-day from your Turbulence Training schedule, but you should still get 30 minutes of activity. Make it as fun as
possible. Take the dog for a walk, play your favorite sport, or
chase your kids.

Even walking for 30 minutes is great. It will help you recover from Monday's workout and simply improves your overall health. If you're looking for an advanced fat loss option, use a bodyweight circuit to boost your metabolism.

Also, I want you to make a big nutrition change on this day and
eliminate all sources of trans-fatty acids from your diet.

Read your food labels, and don't eat anything that contains
hydrogenated oils. Also, be sure to look at the breakdown of fats - if the total fat content is greater than the sum of the saturated
and unsaturated fat contents, then the product contains trans-fats.

Remember that labels are sneaky!

A label can boast "0g Trans Fat" if there is less than 0.5g of
Trans-fats per serving. But if there are several servings in a bag, and you eat the whole bag...guess what? You could have eaten 2-3 grams of trans-fats!

And trans-fats will kill ya. As Dr. Bruce Holub from the University of Guelph says, "there is no safe level of the fats and food producers should cease and desist the industrial production of trans fats in the country."


Perform your regularly schedule strength and interval training
workout. And if you need to, purchase a new cooking
appliance, such as a grill or steamer to help you prepare healthy,
nutritious, low-fat protein sources or high-fiber, nutrient rich
vegetables in a convenient manner.

Healthy food preparation is a SMALL effort for a LARGE reward.


30 minutes of activity, anyway that you can get it. And then at
dinner, try a new source of lean protein, such as salmon, bison, or ostrich (or switch back to lean, red meat if you're bored of
chowing down on chicken).


Have another great strength and interval workout. Since this is
your Turbulence Training workout of the week...have fun and reward yourself with a superset of your 2 favorite exercises. It's a perfect time to add some extra work for your arms and abs, if you love training those muscle groups. Just do something you really like. You've earned it. Training should be fun AND effective.


30 minutes of activity. It's the weekend, find something fun to do with a friend. On weekends, I try and get into the gym with an old friend and amaze them with several bodyweight exercises that they have never seen before - such as Spiderman Pushups, Inverted Rows, and single-leg squats.

Then check-in with your social support group (in-person or on the Internet) to talk about the ups and downs you went through this week. Share recipes, tips and tricks to turning aside temptations, and motivate each other to stay strong for another 7-days of fat-burning with the TT lifestyle.


Get in another 30 minutes of exercise nice and early to start your day. Then plan your shopping list, head on to the grocery store or even better a fresh, open market and get your weekly produce and lean protein sources.

Make sure to include 1 new vegetable and 1 new source of lean
protein in your purchases.

One big step everyday towards a better body!

Another week and another pound or two of fat should be hitting the road. Keep up the great work!







Weight Loss Workout for Busy People

You can get an incredible weight loss workout at home without any equipment. That's right, you can burn fat and lose fat in the comfort of your own home. You don't need fancy machines or expensive mega-gym memberships, and you don't have to deal with line-ups or sweaty, stinky fellow gym-members. Ewww!

Okay, here's the first thing you need. About a 8x8 open area. And your bodyweight. That's it. Don't rest between any of these exercises.

First exercise: Prisoner Squat

Place your hands behind your head, keep your elbows back, and squat down halfway to the ground. Keep your shoulder blades together to work your upper back and push your hips back as you squat to work your back of your legs.

Do that 10-20 times depending on your strength levels.

Second exercise: Push-up Plus

Do a regular pushup, but at the top, add a little extra push to round your upper back and make your shoulder blades move away from one another. Do 4-12 reps depending on your strength.

Third exercise: Plank

Support yourself on your forearms and toes and keep your body in a straight line from ankles to shoulders. You'll be "hovering" just above the ground. Keep your abs braced and hold for 10-60 seconds depending on your endurance.

Fourth exercise: Split squat

Stand with one foot 2 feet in front of your body and the other foot 1 foot behind your body. This is a stationary lunge position. Bend your back knee and drop your hips to the floor. Then push up using the muscles of the lead leg. Use a wall for balance or support if needed. Do 5-12 reps per side depending on strength.

Rest 1 minute then repeat the circuit up to 4 times.

Have fun, and burn fat,






Weight Loss for Women At Home

A woman's workout should consist of leg raises, biceps curls with
soup cans, and triceps kickbacks with water bottles.

Can you believe that silliness?

Neither can I, but that is what passes for "professional fitness
advice for women" these days.

I could see this info being accepted in the 1930's (maybe?), but in the year 2007? Please...

Does anyone really believe that biceps curls with water bottles is going to prepare women to carry their children to bed, a bag of heavy groceries in from the car, or swing a sledgehammer during home reno's?

No way. You need real-world workouts and fat loss advice. Not fluff.

Am I the only one that finds those types of recommendations
disrespectful to the physical capabilities of women? You'd think
that Linda Hamilton's chin-up scene in Terminator 2 would have turned the tide of female fitness, or perhaps Demi Moore's GI Jane.

I've watched women get fit fast at almost any age with Turbulence Training. In fact, we've had girls from 18 to 82 years young kickin' butt with Turbulence Training.

Today, I want to share the story of a classic "supermom", you know the mom with 3 active kids that has to drive them everywhere, eat on the run, and still find room for workouts. Her name is Brandy Kirton, and she'll show you how real women train, eat, and find the time to do it all with proper planning.

CB: Brandy, tell us about your past exercise and nutrition experiences. At what point did you find out about Turbulence Training and what persuaded you to start using it?

I started working out back on high school. I'm 30 now.

I became a personal trainer for a few years in my early 20's. So I learned a lot about nutrition and weight training. I have been in great shape and not so great shape in the last 10 years. I think I found Turbulence Training just surfing the web and decided to give it a try. I was desperate to lose weight after my 3rd kid.

CB: And how was this a change from what you had done in the past?

I was doing 30 minutes of cardio and then lifted for 30 mins
3 to 4 times a week. That was if I actually could make time.

I would not work out if I knew I couldnt get it all in. I would
think, "What's the point of 20 mins?".

CB: What kind of results have you achieved with Turbulence Training? And is there anything else, besides the results, you love about the Turbulence Training programs?

I love how it changes every month so I never get bored. I also love that I have no excuse about not having time to fit it in.

My results have been great. I am getting toned up and consistently loosing inches. I also have a lot more energy.

CB: Do you workout at home or in a gym?

I have to work out at home. No time to get to a gym.

CB: Has Turbulence Training had a positive impact on your lifestyle?

Turbulence Training has made a huge impact on me. I dont feel like it takes up my whole day or get bored of the same thing day in and day out.

I feel strong and love the daily emails. It helps me stay motivated.

I work full time, have three kids 9, 5, and 11 months, and a
husband. My older two kids play every sports so there really
is no extra time.

I have to get up at 5:30 to work out before they wake up but its
worth it. I feel great after I am done and no matter what happens that day I have already got my work out in which feels great.

CB: Do you have any social support? If so, how has this helped

My mom comes over in the mornings to work out with me. I need that accountability so that I don't sleep instead. Its hard to get up but I always feel so much better when I do.

CB: What are your daily obstacles and temptations that you have to avoid with respect to nutrition and training? And what
strategies do you use?

With all the practices, games and running around I have to do its hard not to grab McDonald's with the kids.

I try to either bring food with me or wait until I get home. If I
have to eat out I do try and find grilled chicken or subway.

CB: How do you plan your nutrition?

I have to go shopping on Sunday to stock up on all my healthy
food. Otherwise I will eat whatever I can find which usually is not good for me.

CB: Thanks Brandy, keep up the great work.

The message is clear. Plan, prepare, commit, and be consistent.
Brandy didn't use any magic pills or potions to succeed, she simply found a great workout plan, and did what she had to do.

As a supermom, Brandy practically has to create time out of thin air in order to do her workout, but again, she knows what she has to do and she does it. She's committed. She has social support. She knows the correct options for eating on the run.

She has made the effort to plan for the obstacles (lack of time,
workout motivation) that we all come across. And by doing that,
she's cleared a simple path to success.

And she doesn't waste time in the gym with slow, boring cardio
workouts. Instead, she sculpts her body in half the time with the
Turbulence Training workouts.







Weight Training Tips

Weight training properly is known by few. If it was easy then you would see a lot more muscular and lean physiques on the streets. Before you learn how to weight train properly, it is critical that you learn these five weight training tips before you even step foot in the gym.

1. Write down a realistic short term and long term goal.

2. Make a commitment to stick to one program for at least 12 weeks.

3. Educate yourself prior to starting.

4. Hire a trainer to teach you proper technique.

5. Focus on gradual progression.

Weight Training Tip #1: Goal Setting

Inch-by-inch life is a sinch. Yard-by-yard life is hard. Treat your goal setting the same way. Do not expect to be on the cover of Men's Health by next summer. Decide how much muscle weight you wish to achieve in three months. Six months and one year. Decide where you wish to finish and work backwards. If you wish to gain 50 pounds by the end of the year, than create a game plan that allows to gain at least one pound per week.

Weight Training Tip #2: Commitment

The only reason you will fail is if you are not truly committed to your goals. Do your homework and find a weight training program ideal for your specific goals and situation. Study the program fully prior to commencing. Comprehend every detail of the program and if you don't, contact the author of the program to ensure you have no excuse to misunderstand or perform the workout incorrectly. After you chosen a program, take responsibility for your decision and follow it to it's full completion. Do not try it out for three weeks and than say, "It's not working..." and try another program. This will create a failures attitude and begin the deadly bad habit of program hopping

Weight Training Tip #3: Education

How much do you really know about building muscle? Let's put it this way, if you had to teach someone else how to transform their body in the next twelve weeks, could you help them? Never mind, could you transform your body in the next twelve weeks? If not, you probably do not know enough about how your body works from a training, nutrition and recovery stand point. Order a book, visit a reputable website and find out everything you must know, about proper weight training, before you start the guessing game.

Weight Training Tip #4: Proper Technique

You wouldn't try and drill your teeth? You wouldn't try and do your own taxes? You wouldn't try and fix your own car? Assuming you have no expertise in dentistry, accounting or automotive repairs. So why would you try and teach yourself proper weight training technique? It boggles my mind why so many people across North America sign up for a gym membership and jeopardize the health of their tendons, ligaments and joints with the attitude of "I think I'll try it on my own," or "My friend is going to teach me," or "I am self taught from watching others..." Do not be cheap and leave your ego at the door and hire a reputable fitness trainer who can teach you proper weight training technique.

Weight Training Tip #5: Progression

I'll say this again. Inch-by-inch life is a sinch. Yard-by-yard life is hard. Approach each workout with this attitude. Your bench press does not need to go up twenty pounds in the first week. But just imagine your bench press went up consistently 2.5-5 pounds every week for the next year? That would some serious muscular and strength gains! Your goal is to simply out do yourself from workout-to-workout, week-to-week. Whether you do one extra rep, one extra set, a extra 2.5 pounds or a shorter rest period, these are are measurable signs of weight training progress.





Common Early Pregnancy Pains

If you thought that the early months of your pregnancy would be idyllic, and that you would sail through them in a golden glow of happiness, the reality was probably somewhat of a shock! Most women are surprised at the frequency and severity of early pregnancy pain, but while it is surprising, it is usually nothing to be overly concerned about. Here are a few symptoms of early pregnancy pain that many women experience:

§ Cramping. Many women experience cramping, similar to menstrual cramps, for the first few months of their pregnancy. Gentle massage can usually soothe the problem, and it is usually caused by what is known as implantation cramps.
§ Breast tenderness is another of the most common types of early pregnancy pain. In fact, breast tenderness and swelling is often one of the first symptoms that alert women to the possibility that they may be pregnant!
§ Headaches, due to changes in hormone levels, are also common early pregnancy pains, as are pelvic pain, and backache.

All of these are normal, common signs of early pregnancy pain, and they are experienced by many women who are in their first trimester of pregnancy. If you are experiencing these types of symptoms, and you are unsure what to do, here is your checklist:

§ Have a pregnancy test done! If you have not already confirmed that you are pregnant, then it is important that you do! These signs may be normal during pregnancy, but if you are not pregnant, they could be a sign of something more serious!
§ Once your pregnancy is confirmed, try not to panic about this type of early pregnancy pain. They will usually disappear within a month or two, and you will start feeling just fine during your second trimester, if you are like most women!
§ Stock up on pregnancy safe painkillers, reduce your exercise levels for a while, rest more, and learn pregnancy massage techniques. Remember that early pregnancy pain is replaced by different mid pregnancy pain, and then by late pregnancy pain, so learning to deal with aches and pains is all part of being a mom to be!

Even though early pregnancy pain is normal, you should never ignore your instincts, and if something does not feel 'right' or is too painful, always refer to your doctor. It may be nothing serious, but on the other hand, it might just be something that needs to be attended to. Take care of yourself, do not try to be a brave soldier, and let your partner pamper you, and you should get through early pregnancy pain without too much of a problem!





Weight-Lifting - 7 Reasons To Start Today!

Adding a weight-lifting workout routine into your life, could really help you in more ways than one. Today I'm going to give you 7 reasons why you should include some form of weight-lifting into your life.

Here goes...

1. Weight Lifting Burns Fat, Whilst You're At Rest, Doing Absolutely Nothing

Weight-lifting really boosts your metabolism and will increase the number of calories you burn in a 24 hour day. You might even burn extra calories while you sleep.

This can help shred fat off your body in super quick time.

2. You'll Build More Strength In Your Muscles & Joints, Not To Mention A Stronger Back

In our everyday life, we are constantly having to lift things from children to furniture to grocery shopping. So by building strength in your joints and muscles, especially the back, you can be safe in the knowledge that you are much less likely to have muscle pains and injuries!

3. You'll Build Stronger Bones

Yes you did read right! Weight-lifting not only builds muscle but also makes your bones stronger and denser. This can be the best defense against osteoporosis. So get into the gym and give your bones a solid workout too!

4. You'll Build Hot Muscle, That Will Have All The Girls Staring. And You Know That's Going To Boost Your Confidence.

Okay, I'm sure you know this. With weight-lifting, you get the huge benefit of more shaped, lean and toned muscles. Imagine having a shredded, buff and muscular physique, what would that do for your confidence? That alone, should be motivation enough!

5. Weight Training Can Decrease The Likelihood Of Developing Diabetes

Weight lifting helps increase glucose uptake by the muscles and helps the body store glucose. This decreases the likelihood of getting diabetes. It also helps those that suffer from it too.

6. You Will Improve Your Posture

Via weightlifting, you will strengthen your core muscles. This helps develop a better posture and makes you look more attractive to members of the opposite sex.

7. You'll Be More Energetic

Weight lifting makes you feel great, You will feel less lethargic and more active, ready for life ahead!





What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a way of promoting online business through affiliate programs and advertising that pay the affiliate (or publisher) a type of commission based on the amount of business their website brings the merchant company.

It's a form of revenue sharing or commission based advertising. The term "affiliate marketing," however, is often associated with network marketing or multi-level marketing and therefore many companies prefer to use the term "performance marketing". Affiliate marketing is the most cost effective sort of marketing there is, and is actually incredibly efficient. For this reason, many companies (especially those that started in the early days of e-commerce) owe a tremendous amount to affiliate marketing ( is a good example) and it has now become normal for companies to include affiliate marketing in many of their plans.

There are three types of compensation methods that are associated with affiliated marketing. The first type is Cost per Click (CPC) or Cost per Mil (CPM.) Basically, the affiliate earns by how many clicks the advertising on hisher site generates, or by just having the advert published on the website. But because of click fraud and many other questionable tactics, CPC is no longer the general form used for affiliate marketing. Generally, companies now either use CPA (Cost per Action) or CPS (Cost per Sale.) The first is based on how much the advert generates interest by the clicker to actually buy or register at the advertised site, the second is based strictly on sales. In other words, an affiliate is paid if the clicker actually purchases something on the advertised site.





What are the latest statistics for postpartum depression in 2011?

Some mothers could fall victim to depression amidst all the joy of having a baby. It is actually a normal condition though a little difficult to understand. However, hormonal changes are responsible for postpartum depression – also known as 'baby blues'. Usually, postpartum depression passes off in a few days or weeks but it could last longer. In either case it should not be ignored. The depression could last for months or years and even become a psychosis case requiring urgent medical help. Statistics show that one in every four new mothers suffers some kind of postpartum depression.

In some situations, postpartum depression can damage marital and family relations, or even impact the baby. The statistics show some concerns. Mostly women postpartum depression affects women but it could also affect men. The occurrence of postpartum depression is mainly higher in new mothers in the 25-45 age-group.

According to the latest statistics by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the occurrence of postpartum depression (self-reported) in various states of USA falls in the 11.7-20.4% bracket.

Across America, the statistics on postpartum depression show that 12% of new mothers have reported the problem. These were moderately depressed after the birth of their baby. But only 6% of women said they felt severe depression after the birth of their baby.

Postpartum depression statistics are also linked to other issues like teenage pregnancy, illiteracy, physical abuse, smoking habits of the mother, poor financial situation etc. Mothers who give birth to low-birth-weight babies could also be affected more easily with postpartum depression. Statistics also show that postpartum depression is more in older women. Black women have reported higher instances of postpartum depression as compared to women of other races.

Statistics also show that women who resorted to a natural cure as compared to taking drugs cured more easily. Also a natural cure does not have side effects. Statistics relating to postpartum depression also suggest that new mothers should try a holistic approach like adjusting their diet and exercise routine with help from a nutritionist.

Statistics also show that family support – particularly from the spouse – could be very valuable in helping patients of postpartum depression. Most women who felt loved ones were willing to understand their situation got over their postpartum depression much faster than other women or single mothers. Some mothers also benefited from psychotherapy sessions to handle their postpartum depression. However, statistics show that therapy sessions might not be all that important if the patient adopts a holistic approach with a natural cure to take care of the problem.

Statistics also show that weather conditions might influence the intensity of the depression like in cases of any other kind of depression. Temperament also plays a crucial role in postpartum depression. Women who tend to brood as a temperament might suffer 'baby blues' all the more.

Of course, whatever be the intensity of the postpartum depression, it is always important that the patient discuss the problem with their doctor if it does not pass off in a few days.





What is the best cure for postpartum depression?

Having a child is a fulfilling and demanding task. Parents wait anxiously for the newborn and prepare for it every day throughout the pregnancy. The joy of having a baby is tremendous but that's when some women fall prey to postpartum depression. One in every four women is likely to suffer from postpartum depression.

Some men too suffer from postpartum depression though there percentage is very low.

Postpartum depression usually sets in when the mother (or father) is not even aware that such a condition could exist particularly when they are so thrilled to have a baby. Most mothers report that depression set in suddenly a few days after giving birth. At first, most mothers didn't even realize what was happening. They just felt dull, unable to get out of bed and ready to cry at the slightest of provocation. Most new mothers suffering from postpartum depression said they were overcome with feelings of inefficiency and inability at coping with motherhood.

Symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD) could include anxiousness, frustration, constant sadness, bouts of uncontrolled crying, refusal to get out of bed, difficulty in eating or sleeping, etc. PPD could also include other psychological problems relating to depression. These symptoms might last for months or even years in some cases.

Doctors suggest several options to cure postpartum depression. But drugs do not really work to give permanent relief. Studies show that 93 percent of patients who took drugs as part of conventional treatment for PPD are benefited only temporarily. Traditional methods of PPD treatment with drugs give relief for a short time. The symptoms might return – with greater severity in some cases – once the drugs are discontinued.

Most doctors would tell you there is no cure for postpartum depression and all they could help you with is anti-depressants! Some doctors resort to muscle relaxants and suggest you see a psychiatrist if your condition does not improve.

Conventional methods of treatment for PPD would also include psychiatric help. All this would not only take a long period of time but might just prove to be an unnecessary waste of time and money. Eventually, the patient might end up with heightened depression – even worse than before.

A non-conventional natural cure is more likely to help you eliminate your sadness and feelings of hopelessness – permanently at that. A natural cure works by tackling the postpartum depression in a holistic manner. Drugs are limited in scope. Drugs could also have long-term negative effects on the mother who is breastfeeding. Alternatively, even just changing your diet or visiting a psychiatrist is not enough. A natural cure that combines changes in diet, self-control, personal effort along with the intake of proven natural remedies could work as a wonder cure for anyone suffering from postpartum depression.

A herbal cure coupled with nutrition would give you a new life getting rid of postpartum depression forever. That's a way more healthier option than trying drugs. You could even prevent postpartum depression by being prepared to handle it the natural way even before your baby is born.





What Is Baby Weight Made Up Of?

Gaining weight during a pregnancy is not only a natural process, but a necessity as well. Your body needs to store more fat and minerals because now you not only have to nourish yourself, but also nourish the development of your child.
Gaining weight is a necessity, but you must make sure that you do not gain extra weight. If you become over weight, you might have complications or difficulties with the child's delivery. So how will you know that you are starting to gain those unnecessary extra pounds, and if you do gain them how do you lose them?
With so much importance associated to the weight that the mother-to-be gains during the pregnancy, you need to make sure that you are eating the healthiest and beneficial diet available to you; but, this is a diet that is not intended for weight loss, it is intended for proper nutrition. A healthy diet will help keep you in proper health, nourish your developing baby, and will also help to gain or lose your weight as your condition may demand it.
Generally, during the first 3 months (the first trimester) a pregnant woman should gain around 2 to 4 pounds. From the third month on, the mother needs to gain at least 1 pound every week until the delivery. Therefore, a mother expecting a single baby will need to gain about 26 to 28 pounds, but if she is expecting twins then she will need to gain even more weight i.e. around 35 to 40 pounds (averaging 1.5 pounds a week.)
The weight that a woman needs to gain for her pregnancy has already been discussed, but how much of the weight is actually the baby's weight? The weight that the mother gains, surely isn't all the baby's! And it is not; the entire baby weight or the entire weight that the mother gains includes several body tissues that develop during the pregnancy. A general break up of this is as follows:
• The proportion of the weight of the baby itself to the entire weight gain hovers around 8 pounds.
• 2 to 3 pounds of the weight qualifies as the placenta's proportion.
• The Amniotic fluid adds around 2 to 3 pounds more to the entire weight.
• The extra breast tissue that develops (necessary for breast feeding) comprises of yet another 2 to 3 pounds of the total weight.
• The blood that is stored for the pregnancy amounts to about 4 pounds of the total weight gain.
• The extra fat that is stored for the delivery of the baby and breast feeding adds around 5 to 9 pounds to the total weight.
• The uterus increases in weight from 2 to 5 pounds
The above is a general break up of what the mother's entire weight gain comprises of, but the important thing is the weight of the mother before the pregnancy. If a mother-to-be is underweight then she needs to gain 28 to 40 pounds altogether, and if the mother-to-be is overweight, she only needs to gain around 11 pounds.





The 7-Day Weight Loss Detox

Are you on a Detox diet? Everyone here in Toronto seems to be at one time or another...

Recently, one of my clients told me about his detox plans.

For 7 days of the year, he buys a detox kit and follows the
instructions to cut out all alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and refined
carbohydrates - all while taking some supplements to help
"detoxify" the liver and kidneys and extra fiber to help cleanse
the colon.

Now I don't mind this client doing this, because he is a model
client and follows a very healthy lifestyle all year round. At 40,
his blood measures are very healthy, he lost a few pounds of body fat last year, and despite being in a high-stress financial job, he is a picture of great health.

Is the detox going to significantly improve his health? No, not
really. And most of them aren't dangerous either, but a 7-day detox won't reverse 40 years or even 1 year of a poor lifestyle.

I'll admit, Detox diets might help kick-start your weight loss
program, but just realize that they are not a quick fix to your
health problems. The long-term fix is dumping the Western Lifestyle.

Besides, if you think you can actually remove all the toxins in
your body, you are being fooled. It can never happen. Every breath you take, every move you make, you are creating waste products in your body.

And many toxins are fat-soluble - meaning they are stored in our fat cells for months, and slowly released over time. So you'll
never truly detoxify...but enough of science class...

Just remember: 7 days of the cleanest living can't reverse 51 weeks of the Western Lifestyle - you have to make healthy living a full-time lifestyle. It is much better to spend all year avoiding as much crap as possible, than to try and sort it out in one week.

So let's take your new healthy lifestyle week-by-week with the
7-day fat loss plan.

Day 1
In today's Turbulence Training workout, choose an alternative form of interval cardio for this workout.

For example, if you are a beginner, and you have been doing only walking for cardio, try and use the elliptical machine or
stairmaster today. This is called cross-training and helps avoid
overuse injuries caused by doing the same thing over and over again when you aren't prepared for it. If you are advanced, try some of the bodyweight circuits in place of running or cycling intervals.

To do bodyweight circuits, pick 3 lower body and 3 upper body
exercises, and alternate between them. Do 10 reps of a lower body exercise, then 10 reps of an upper body exercise, and so on.

Go through the 6 exercise circuit 3 times for a 15 minute session.

Day 2
Between Turbulence Training workouts, take a day off from the gym.

On your off days, your exercise requirement is just 30 minutes of fun activity. It can be traditional cardio, sports, or bodyweight

In addition, you need to clean out cupboards. Do NOT be afraid to throw out food - if it's garbage food, it's better in the trashbin
than in your fat cells.

After you have cleaned out your pantry, prepare a healthy shopping list. Complete a 7-day food entry and identify your trouble spots. Then organize your shopping list to provide solutions to your eating problems.

Day 3
Back to your regularly scheduled Turbulence Training workout.

Since we've been inspired by the 300 Movie Workout lately, I want you to make a small change to your workout today and reduce the rest intervals between sets. For today only, take no more than 30 seconds rest between exercises. Get your workout done in record time. Do a full warm-up before training though, of course!

Day 4
Another off-day from the gym (whether you train at a mega-gym or in the comfort of your own home gym).

Choose an activity and have at least 30 minutes of fun. Yoga is
great as well, to help reduce work-related stress.

In addition, let's make one more nutrition change. Today, I want
you to eat one new fruit and one new vegetable. If you aren't
already eating grapefruit, try one today and see how it helps fill
you up because it contains a lot of soluble fiber called pectin.

Add a new vegetable, such as steamed asparagus or broccoli to your dinner.

Day 5
Do your last Turbulence Training workout of the week today. I
always like to slip in an extra superset on the last workout of the
week. Pick your favorite biceps and triceps exercises and do them back to back for 3 supersets of 8 reps each.

Inject even more fun into your training & reward yourself for all
of your hard work.

Day 6
For most of you, this will be the weekend. That means you should have extra time to check in with your social support group.

So why not meet up with a friend that is also trying to lose fat
and/or build muscle and talk about what is working for you and
where you are struggling. Essentially, its your fat loss mastermind group!

As part of your meeting, choose a fun activity that you both want to do for at least 30 minutes. Make this activity-based meeting a regular habit on the weekend.

Day 7
Get an early start on the day with 30 minutes of a fun activity -
and yes, walking around shopping can count towards your 30 minutes of activity - and then prepare your meals for the rest of the week.

Plan, shop, & prepare for the week ahead. Make sure to include 1 new fruit and 1 new vegetable on your grocery list.

Getting this done early allows you to spend the rest of the day
outdoors, or going to church and socializing with friends after, or
spending the better part of the day with your family.

Remember that Turbulence Training is all about creating the optimal fat loss lifestyle - giving you more fat loss results in less
workout time while freeing up your life to spend doing the things you love with the people you love in the body that you love!

Have a great week!





What Can Natural Cures do to Restore Your Hair?

Mankind has probed the distant gulfs of space with telescopes, peered into the microscopic world, set foot on the Moon, and mapped the genome, yet the intertwined subjects of hair, hair loss, and hair restoration still include many mysteries. Getting your hair back once the luxuriant growth has begun to thin, or has fallen out completely, is a daunting proposition, and sometimes seems impossible. Biochemistry is still one of the most demanding, and baffling, scientific disciplines.

With this in mind, it hardly comes as a surprise that the hair restoration potions and concoctions that pharmaceutical labs churn out on an almost daily basis seldom live up to their advertising. In a field where so much work remains to be done, artificial hair restoration processes are naturally mostly ineffective – and people like you and me are understandably reluctant to pay a lot of money for the latest "wonder chemical".

Hair Loss Blueprint is based on the refreshingly effective idea that instead of looking to the chemical vat for a cure, we should be looking at people who have no access to modern gimmicks yet always boast a full head of hair – like the natives of Sarawak that the Blueprint's author, a regular guy like you or me, spent time among while working for an engineering company.

I was skeptical at first, but quickly became convinced that this was the real thing – a solid, commonsense way to regain lost hair and lost pride, too. The guy who wrote the blueprint isn't out to keep draining your money month after month with some "bottled cure" that he's selling, because he isn't selling any. Instead, he's ready to educate you in how to make use of some ordinary items from a grocery store and a massage program to help yourself and get your hair back without chemicals, medicines, or transplants.

The idea is simple, direct, and depends on the person you can rely on most – yourself. The guy who wrote the Hair Loss Blueprint knows what he's talking about from experience, and cuts to the chase with powerful yet inexpensive techniques you can start using today. This is a great time to get onboard with the Hair Loss Blueprint, with special introductory pricing of $37 and all the data you need to start rebuilding the head of hair you only thought you could dream about – until now.





What are the signs of postpartum depression?

Statistics say 25 per cent of new mothers suffer from postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is also known as PPD or 'baby blues'. Usually, the symptoms are mild and would pass off in a few days. However, some mothers experience postpartum depression for weeks. In chronic cases it can even last for years.

The early signs of postpartum depression range from mild irritation to feelings of loneliness. These could be followed by a heightened sense of frustration and inadequacy. As the depression worsens, the patient does not want to get out of bed and ends up disturbing her sleep and eating routine as well.

Most common signs of postpartum depression begin almost right after childbirth. These worsen as the patient shows lack of interest in the baby, or even negative feelings towards the baby. The patient feels worried about the baby. Alternatively, the patient can lose interest in the self also. There is loss of pleasure, motivation and energy. The patient starts feeling worthless and guilty about non-existent issues. There are changes in appetite and hunger also. Disturbances in the sleep cycle could be followed by thoughts of committing suicide.

Some women might suffer a delayed onset of postpartum depression.

The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is a screening tool that detects postpartum depression. It requires filling up a form on the basis of your symptoms that you could later discuss with your doctor.

If postpartum depression is not treated it could develop into postpartum psychosis. This is a rare, but very serious problem that can start right after childbirth. It includes disconnection from reality and includes a high risk for both infanticide and suicide. Hospitalization is required. Postpartum psychosis could develop suddenly in the first two weeks after having given birth. The signs include hallucinations, delusions, extreme anxiety, confusion and disorientation. Increasing mood swings happen in both postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis.

Women who have some history of any bipolar disorder have an increased risk of developing postpartum depression or psychosis. Most new mothers dismiss slight feelings of dullness and mood swings as passing 'baby blues' but these signs should not be taken lightly.

Conventional medicinal system depends on antidepressants and muscle relaxants to cure the signs of postpartum depression. Drugs have side effects. Additional psychotherapy might not be of much use either. What is required is a holistic approach to treat the signs of postpartum depression with natural and herbal cures that are safe. Some of the best natural cures when combined with a holistic approach could work wonders. A careful alteration in diet, adopting of a suitable exercise regime, and counseling would help treat postpartum depression permanent.
Family support is crucial in not only recognizing the signs of postpartum depression but in helping treat it properly also. Ironically, some new fathers might also experience postpartum depression though their percentage is quite low as compared to women. Would-be parents who are aware of the symptoms of postpartum depression could work together to handle the signs properly and effectively even before the depression sets in.





What are the symptoms of postpartum depression?

Symptoms of postpartum depression vary from person to person and so does the severity of the symptoms. In fact, some mothers do not even realize that they are suffering from postpartum depression and not some other psychiatric problem. Postpartum depression affects almost one in every four new mothers. It also affects some new fathers though the instances of men being hit by depression after a baby is born are relatively very few.

The first symptoms of postpartum depression could occur just a few days right after giving birth. Several patients report that they were naturally overjoyed by the birth of a baby. But the feelings change to an overwhelming sense of frustration and inability to cope with motherhood a few days later. Most parents are unable to figure out what is happening. Bouts of crying at the slightest of provocation happen quite often.

Other symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD) could include deep anxiety, constant sadness, loss of desire to get out of bed and do anything, loss of appetite and disturbed sleep. Most women report that they had the worse time trying to cope with uncontrolled bouts of crying a few days after having given birth. Acute postpartum depression could last from a few days to months. Some patients have reported problems associated with postpartum depression several years after their child was born.

The first symptoms of postpartum depression begin usually with lack of interest in the baby. These could be followed by negative feelings towards the baby, worrying about hurting the baby, or even lack of concern. New mothers suffering from postpartum depression have also reported lack of energy and motivation, loss of pleasure and happiness, feelings of guilt, and even recurrent thoughts of suicide or death.

Postpartum depression is triggered by hormonal changes relating to pregnancy. The drop in levels of hormones like estrogen and progesterone along with a thyroid problem could also affect the blood pressure, functioning of the immune system, and general well-being. Women who are more sensitive to these changes suffer from postpartum depression easily.

Doctors are quick to point out that there is no real cure for postpartum depression in the traditional medicinal system. They suggest antidepressants and muscle relaxants along with therapy sessions with a good psychiatrist as treatment. Some doctors even suggest taking a holiday but that seldom works. In most cases, the symptoms of postpartum depression return – usually with greater severity – once the drugs are discontinued. Drugs could also have potential long-term side effects particularly for new mothers those are breastfeeding a baby.

Such a conventional method for control of postpartum depression is usually a drain on your time and money with little relief. Depression is likely to worsen. However, non-conventional natural cures for the symptoms of postpartum depression have shown a great success.

A holistic approach that includes a natural supplement along with changes in diet, personal effort, effective and rejuvenating conversations with the spouse, understanding the symptoms of postpartum depression and exercise would help the patient for sure – without any side effects at that.





What Every Dieter Needs To Know About Restaurants

Eating out in a restaurant can be a dieters worst nightmare. There are so many scrumptious looking meals that can tickle our temptations. Unfortunately though, many of these are not good for the waistline. But luckily, with a bit or care and discipline, eating out can be lots of fun even if you are watching your figure.

Once you've got into the routine of eating healthily at home you'll most likely be feeling the benefits. As you get used to it, you will probably realise that it is not that hard.

When you go out to dine though, it can hard to resist the temptation to tuck into a tasty looking high calorie meal. You need to be careful when dining; eating one high fat meal could undo a weeks worth or hard work and discipline.

When eating out, do a bit of research and take care. Before dining out, narrow down your local restaurants to only the ones that do not serve oily and greasy foods. Or, see if the restaurant offers lightly sautéed or grilled dishes rather than just frying them.

If you've gotten used to eating healthily at home and eating all the right things, eating responsibly in a restaurant will be as easy as ABC. Like when eating at home, be sure your intake of fresh veggies is high, whether this is in the form of salads or side dishes. If you are to eat a fatty meal like pizza, balance it out with fresh greens.

A wise way to dine out is to eat multiple small dishes rather than having one big dish. This makes eating out a lot of fun, and lets your taste lots of different fascinating flavours. Again, balance out whatever you eat with healthy salads, and stick to water and fruit juice rather than carbonated sodas.

If possible, don't eat all of your meal in one go; ask if you can take some of it home to eat later.

If you are eating fast food, be responsible and only order a single burger with salad, and avoid topping it off with cheese and mayonnaise. Stick to just thin crust pizzas and go easy on the cheese.

Eating out does not have to become boring just because you are on a diet. In fact, it can be a lot of fun because it will make you realise that are lots of healthy meals out there that taste wonderful.

With a little bit of care a discipline, you can enjoy eating out whenever you like without having to worry about what it will do to you waist.

Once you're back from eating out, a great diet to get stuck into is The Lunch Box Diet developed by acclaimed personal fitness expert Simon Lovell. Called 'the best diet' 5/5 by Elle Magazine, the diet is said to be 'a way of life'.





10-Minute Fat Loss Workouts

Last week I helped Men's Health magazine on a piece about getting workouts done fast. Personally, I think you can get a great body-changing workout done in minutes.

How fast?

I'm talking 10-minutes.

By now, I'm sure you're asking...

How do you lose fat in only ten minutes?


What about the rule that it takes 20 minutes of cardio before you start burning fat?

Well, first of all, as I have said before, the whole idea of a
fat-burning zone or a magical fat-burning time period just doesn't fit with the common sense approach to fat loss.

People can lose fat without doing any cardio at all - so its clear
that you don't have to workout for at least 20-minutes with your heart rate at 60% of your maximum heart rate. Fat loss is far simpler than that - and I'll show you some basic workouts below that crank your metabolism and help you burn calories when you are not exercising.

Second, the results of your training occur outside of the gym
rather than during the workout. That's why the before-mentioned "increased metabolism" is so important. If you put the right "turbulence" on your muscles in 10-minutes, you can change your body - without even thinking about doing cardio.

So let's look at the first fat loss in a hurry workout - a
10-minute bodysculpting workout. Let's say you only have 10 minutes to do your workout today - what should you do?

In this case, you need to combine a warm-up, strength
training, and interval training all into one. So our efforts are
best put forward on bodyweight training.

And you don't have time for isolation work. Instead, you need to
hit three "hot zones" on the body for maximum metabolism boosting: push muscles, pull muscles, and legs.

By doing so, you'll hit all the other muscle groups at the same
time. So you'll do a circuit of soemthing like:

1A) Prisoner Squats (advanced option: 1-Leg Squats)
1B) Pushups (advanced option: Spiderman Pushups)
1C) Inverted Rows (advanced option: Pull-ups; easy option:

In the first round of this circuit, you'll go through it easy.
Perform 25% of the maximum number of reps you can do for each exercise. So if you can do 20 pushups, do only 5 in the first
warm-up circuit. That's a warm-up circuit.

Then you'll do as many circuits as you can in the remainder of the 10 minutes. Just go back-to-back-to-back on these 3 exercises. You can rest after the rows/pull-ups for 30 seconds if necessary, but that's it.

You'll be pleasantly surprised with how you feel at the end of the 10-minutes. And your metabolism will be elevated for a much longer period than if you trained in the fat-burn zone for 10-minutes.

Okay, now here's another option, moving into some dumbbell work. The following superset trains the entire body, and focuses on the 3 hot zones.

1A) DB Squat (8 reps per set)
1B) DB Chest Press (8 reps per set)

Use light weights for one warm-up set, and then do as many sets as possible in 10 minutes for the rest of the workout.

In any case, if you find yourself with another 10 minutes, you can up the fat-burning ante by doing 10 minutes of intervals. This too is far more effective for fat loss and fitness than 10 more minutes in the "so-called" fat-burning zone.

Do 3-5 minutes of exercise-specific warm-up.

Then do your intervals for 30 seconds followed by 30-60 seconds of rest. Repeat 3-6 times. Then cooldown.

Okay, now let's get greedy and assume we have 30 minutes for our workout. We'll be close to getting maximum results with this
"marathon" duration workout.

First, hit up the bodyweight circuit mentioned above. Do this
twice, nice and easy. That will take 5 minutes off the clock.

Then move into your strength supersets. Following the lead above, you'll look to train the entire body with only 2 moves. It's not always easy, but fortunately you can do 2 supersets in this
workout. The strength training will take about 15 minutes as you'll do 3 sets of 8 per exercise with no extra rest between sets - just long enough to switch exercises.

1A) DB Split Squat (If you have a barbell, use it instead of DB's)
1B) DB Row

2A) DB Romanian Deadlift
2B) DB Incline Press

Then finish with intervals. For this workout, try another program. Start with a warm-up, then do each "work" interval for 45 seconds, and rest 60 seconds between each interval. Do 4-6 rounds and finish with a cool-down, of course.

I could go on and on with these fast fat loss workouts...and of
course I do, in the Turbulence Training e-book.

I'll follow up on this article in the future, passing along some of
the exact Turbulence Training workouts that I use with my clients to get the most results in the least amount of time.

Until then, train hard, train safe, and train better than everyone
else in the gym.



P.S. Is a lack of time stressing you out?

"No time to exercise" is the #1 reason most people don't exercise consistently. In fact, a lack of time stresses most people out for many reasons - whether it's a lack of time to prepare good food, exercise, or be with your family.

That's why I created Turbulence Training to be the most efficient and effective fat loss program out there.

The warm-up is applicable to your workout, not some 5-minute waste of time on the treadmill.

The strength training supersets shave minutes off your wait time.

And the intervals cut your cardio in half, or more.





What Is Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy, and How Do You Deal With It?

Many women discover, as they move into the final stage of their pregnancies, that the aches and pains they have already suffered were not the only surprises their pregnancy had in store for them! Round ligament, pain during pregnancy usually begins later on in your pregnancy, and it can be a constant source of mild to excruciating pain. In this article, we look at what round ligament pain is, what you can do about it, and whether it is a cause for concern.

What Is Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy?

To understand what round ligament pain during pregnancy is, we first need to understand what round ligaments themselves are. These ligaments are the structure that keeps the uterus suspended in position under normal circumstances. During the later stage of pregnancy, those ligaments soften, due to hormonal changes in the body, and with the added weight of your growing uterus and baby, they can be stretched even further, which is painful.

What Can You Do About Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy?

Unfortunately for most women, unless you are suffering from an extreme case, associated with endometriosis or another serious condition, most doctors are unwilling to perform corrective surgery for cases of round ligament pain during pregnancy.

Getting plenty of rest, doing a little gentle exercise every day, practicing pregnancy massage techniques (particularly combined with warm or cold compresses), and a mild, pregnancy safe analgesic or pain killer is the only solution for round ligament pain during pregnancy for most women. Some women find that bracing themselves when coughing, sneezing, or otherwise exerting their abdominal muscles also helps.

You will quickly find, if you are suffering from this problem, that strenuous exercise or exertion only makes it worse, so make sure that you take the final months of your pregnancy extra slow if you are suffering from this problem.

Is Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy Dangerous?

Round ligament pain during pregnancy is painful, uncomfortable, and very unpleasant, and it can make the last few weeks or months of your pregnancy very unpleasant. However, it is not, in itself, a dangerous condition. It will slow you down a little for a while, but it is not dangerous for you or your child.

That having been said, if you are suffering from abdominal or pelvic pain, you should always refer to your doctor, for a concrete diagnosis of RLP. There are many other conditions with similar symptoms, that can be dangerous, and self-diagnosis is almost impossible.

Once you have got a diagnosis from your doctor, and a confirmation that you are, in fact, suffering from RLP, you can start practising pregnancy massage techniques, resting more, and using pregnancy safe painkillers to soothe the pain.

The good news is that in most cases, RLP that is caused by pregnancy will disappear on it's own within a few days or weeks of giving birth, so be patient, and you should be just fine.





What is the Hair Loss Blueprint?

Just recently, browsing the Internet, I found mention of a new hair restoration guide called the Hair Loss Blueprint. As someone who has a personal interest in hair restoration products, and who wants to help out other people who are having problems with a receding hairline or out and out baldness, I decided to scrutinize this so-called "Blueprint" further. What I discovered was so impressive that I want to share it with you and all my other readers – because it may well be the key to transforming your life for the better!

You can start the Hair Loss Blueprint in the confidence that it actually produces the results advertised. Your hair will come in fairly thinly at first, but as the re-activation of your follicles takes hold, the hair growth will become denser and you will soon have a full head of hair in place of the combed wisps – or smooth pate – that you see in the mirror every day now.

You will need to get used to the idea that you have no ongoing purchases of medicine or office treatment from a doctor when you start the Blueprint plan. Everything you get from the author is received immediately, and it is then up to you to implement it. This guide is, in effect, a one time purchase, consisting of the advice and information that you need to carry out the natural, safe, and highly useful steps that will turn around your hair loss fast and effectively.

Since you don't need to keep buying products from the Blueprint's writer, this method is a lot thriftier than most of its competition. On top of that, it comes with a two month money back guarantee – if you don't see results within two months, then your purchase price will be refunded, assuming you've made a good faith attempt to use the advice contained in the guide.

It may seem hard to believe that you will not need to buy any extras other than a few simple ingredients from the grocery store to start growing abundant hair again, but that is the beauty of the Hair Loss Blueprint system. I highly recommend making use of it yourself, taking control of your own hair's future, and growing back your hair while saving plenty of money that would otherwise be used on futile chemical gimmicks.





What is Wrong with Gaining Excessive Weight During Pregnancy?

Being an expected mother can be an exciting time for all involved, especially the new mother to be. One of the major significant changes that comes with pregnant is the amount of weight that you can gain from the pregnancy. However, how much is to much weight? Is there a limit to the amount of weight that you should gain while pregnant. This article will go through why to much weight can be bad while you are pregnant.

Gaining weight while you are pregnant, is part of the natural flow of course as you are not only feeding your own hunger, but that of the baby as well. During the pregnancy a lot expected mothers, assume that it is normal to gain a lot of weight while you are pregnant and than that is okay. However, the actual weight gain maybe smaller than what everyone thinks, according to Your guide to staying trim during pregnancy.

Women should generally gain around two to four pounds in the first three months (first trimester), and one after each week after during the rest of the pregnancy, according to Your guide to staying trim during pregnancy. During the pregnancy, if there is more food consumption that what is required then, you may find yourself putting on more weight in areas, that you haven't planned for. The "pregnancy hot spots," are where the weight should be put on and not in other areas of the body. These spots are hips, the butt area, upper thighs, and obviously your stomach. Putting on weight in other areas of the body, may make it difficult to lose the weight after you have a baby, and can be quite unhealthy for yourself and the baby's development.

By overeating and putting on too much weight during the exercise, you may in actual fact be harming the baby's development, and your own health as well. Having an excessive amount of weight will also make you feel very fatigued, and you will have low levels of energy. While you are pregnant you will put on more weight, but having to much can make it extremely uncomfortable for you to move around as you are carry your extra weight and that of the baby as well.

Not maintaining a healthy diet, may cause your face to look puffy, this book Your guide to staying trim during pregnancy, will help you reduce the puffiness in your face, and bring it back to normal. Having too much food can also affect your cravings, so if you minimize the type of foods that you eat you can also reduce the amount of cravings that you may experience during your pregnancy. If you have excessive weight you may also experience varicose veins, if you don't have a solid healthy diet during your pregnancy as this can cause a level of discomfort for you.

Although you should be healthy during your pregnancy, you shouldn't under eat either as that can cause a detriment to the baby's overall health and development. Try and have moderate diet, for the health and safety of the baby, as to much food can do the opposite. It may cause high levels of stress, increase your blood pressure, which may put you in the hospital a lot earlier than you had planed to. Your guide to staying trim during pregnancy, will help you avoid the excessive amount of weight that you may gain while you are pregnant.





What should you know about screenings for postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression strikes within a few days of having given birth. Most women think the 'baby blues' would pass away on their own in a few days. Usually, this is true but quite often the depression could last for several weeks and even months. If left untreated it could even develop into depression psychosis. Postpartum depression affects the new mother directly and the whole family indirectly.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) does not recognize postpartum depression as being any different from major types of depression. However, the manual lists 'Postpartum Onset' symptom details that might occur within four weeks of having given birth.

This formal system of screening mainly includes the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. This is used in America, New Zealand, Australia and Europe. The Scale is a questionnaire with a 10-item form in which the new mother has to rate herself. Australian experts say a 12.5 score on the scale accurately shows major depression. Doctors say new mothers could use the screening test themselves and if score a threshold score then they should contact their doctor and discuss the problem.

However, University of York's Dr Mike Paulden and colleagues say screenings for postpartum depression are most popular via questionnaires but these could be controversial. They have published their ideas on the British Medical Journal website.

Dr Paulden's team says though of all types of screenings for postpartum depression, the Edinburgh Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is the most popular and most researched, it shows only reasonably well results.

Various doctors use their own systems of screenings also. A psychiatric symptom index is often used to identify postpartum depression. But the results might vary considerably if compared to a symptom index screening by pediatricians. In fact, researchers from the from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland say that pediatric health care professionals do not recognize self-reported depression by new mothers as anything serious. They suggest special structured screening tools should be developed to identify new mothers with postpartum depression.

Experts say screenings could be based on risk factors like history of depression in the family, abuse, alcohol usage, smoking, anxiety, hormonal profile, marital relationship problems, financial problems, the infant's temperament or physical well-being and lack of family support.

Some experts say that If postpartum depression starts suddenly then it is more easier to detect than depression that worsens slowly. Detection of postpartum depression might be difficult because most women automatically expect a period of adjustment after having given birth. Therefore, some new mothers might not even accept that something is really wrong and their depression could require help. Often, postpartum depression also referred to as 'baby blues' is dismissed as a passing phase.

Moreover, new mothers who do not have a regular family physician to turn to might not be sure about whom to discuss their condition with.

Overall, screenings for postpartum depression show that women in the age-group of 25-45 are most likely to fall victim to mood swings leading to depression after childbirth. Approximately 11-20 per cent of new mothers suffer from postpartum depression, according to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).





What to Do About Pain during Pregnancy

Just about every woman who is pregnant will suffer from some form of pain during pregnancy during that time. In fact, many will suffer from different types of pain during pregnancy, at different stages of their lives. That's not intended to scare anyone – it's just a fact – pregnancy is accompanied by all sorts of aches, pains and discomforts, most of which are entirely worth it!

In this article, we look at how you should approach pain during pregnancy, and what you should do.

The First Step Is Always Speaking to Your Doctor

When you experience pain during pregnancy, if you are in any way concerned, the first step should always be to speak to your doctor. Remember that your pregnancy is making enormous changes in your body and that you can't always tell what's normal or not! If you're in doubt, even a little bit, speak to your doctor. It's always better to be safe than sorry!

Look for Natural Remedies

There are all sorts of natural ways to prevent and treat pain during pregnancy. The first, and most obvious, is to take it easy while you are pregnant, and not over tire or exert yourself.

The next step in treating pain during pregnancy is looking for natural methods of dealing with ordinary aches and pains. Try pregnancy massage, or use heated or cold compresses. Consider acupuncture, or another alternative remedy, but remember, if you do, these are still treatments, and you should still seek the advice of a professional!

Consider Pregnancy Safe Medications

If you find that you are experiencing pain during pregnancy that you cannot manage or soothe with alternative or natural remedies, then you should remember that there are some medications that are safe for use during pregnancy. These include over the counter painkillers, as well as stronger prescription medications, but again, you should always consult your doctor or a medical professional before using them.

If the Pain Is Sudden or Severe

Generally speaking, ordinary pain during pregnancy is more of a dull ache than a sudden, sharp stabbing pain. If you experience any type of pain during pregnancy that is sudden or severe, it might be a warning of a more serious problem. In that case, it's always best to seek immediate, emergency medical care. In many cases, the sooner a problem is identified and treated, the more likely it is it can be solved.

If you are suffering from pain in pregnancy, and it's not something serious or dangerous, remember that you don't have to suffer in silence! Anything from a home massage to a soothing, warm bath can help treat your pain, and you should always look for ways to make yourself more comfortable! Remember that you, and your baby, are the most important people in your life right now, and you both deserve to be comfortable and happy!





What You Should Know About Pregnancy Home Massage Techniques

If you're like most parent's to be, then you're probably very interested in how home massage techniques can help to alleviate the symptoms, aches and pains that most moms to be suffer during pregnancy.

However, while there is mounting evidence that home massage can be a great way to soothe backache, limit swelling, and help to fight stretch marks, there are also a few things you should know about home massage during pregnancy before you try it yourself! Here are a few of the facts you should be aware of:

§ Before you start any kind of home massage program during pregnancy, you should first get the all clear from your doctor. There are certain conditions that limit the areas that you can practice home massage during pregnancy, and some that mean you should avoid the practice altogether.
§ It is a good idea to learn how, and where, it is safe to massage during pregnancy. Some types of pressure are not recommended during pregnancy, and it is best to learn a few techniques before you try them!
§ Certain massage oils and lotions, particularly those that contain herbs, are not considered safe for use during pregnancy. Make sure that you avoid products that contain those ingredients.
§ There are certain positions that are considered safe for massage during pregnancy – for instance, lying on your side. However, those positions that put pressure on your abdomen should be avoided.

Home massage during pregnancy can be physically, emotionally, and mentally beneficial to you, your partner, and your baby. Make sure that you educate yourself about safe practices, and that you report any strange side effects to your doctor, however, if you want to get the benefits without the risks.





7-Minute Weight Loss Circuit

One thing we have to lose from our workout mindsets is the idea of this "60-minute workout". Forget about spending that much time in the gym. Instead, choose better exercises that are more efficient. This will allow you to get your workout done faster, eliminating the "no time" workout excuse.

To do so, you need to eliminate irrelevant exercises. I know you want to do an exercise for shoulders, and one for arms, and one for abs, and one for this and that. But before you do, ask yourself, will these really get me to my goal, or have I just been convinced by bodybuilding magazines that I need 40 sets per workout to get results?

Now, taking those lessons, we can then create some pretty incredible bodyweight workouts as well. And these bodyweight workouts can get finished fast!

In fact, here is a 7-minute bodyweight circuit that can help you lose weight, burn calories, and blast your metabolism. You don't need machines or weights. You can do this anywhere!

Bodyweight squat (10-20 reps)
Pushup (10-20 reps) - do it on your knees if you must
Reverse Lunge (10 reps per leg)
Plank (30 second hold)
Close-grip Pushup (10-20 reps)
Side Plank (20 second hold per side)
Mountain Climber (10 reps per side)

Do this with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute at the end of the 7-minute circuit and repeat up to 3 times.

If you are a beginner, do fewer reps and take longer rests.

It's a tough, tough bodyweight circuit, especially the combination of two exercises late in the circuit. This combo literally exhausted me to my knees...twice...before I was able to finish the circuit.You can do the circuit up to 3 times.

Another weapon in your fat loss arsenal. Now you'll know how to train efficiently and eat effectively for fat loss.

Don't wait any longer to get started! Get all of these bodyweight exercises, and more, in the Turbulence Training workouts that you can do in the comfort of your own home. No more annoying drives to the gym, waiting in line for machines in an uncomfortable environment, or being intimidated by the super-buff gym bunnies. Lose fat, get fit, and workout your way - at home with only a bench, a ball, and dumbbells.







Constructing A Weight-Training Schedule That Works

If you are one of those guys who go to the gym only on the weekends, then there's not much chance of you building up solid muscle bulk compared to those who go on a regular schedule. So it's key that you take your gym trips seriously and develop a good weekly routine.

To do this, you should have the time to work out for 3-5 days a week, working out an hour each time. But how do you organize your training schedule?

Well, there are two types of routine you can do; A Full Body Routine or A Split Body Routine. Let's look at the differences.

So What Is A Full Body Routine?

A full body routine involves 3 workouts per week, where each workout, you train ALL your LARGE muscle groups.

When I say large muscle groups, I mean your upper legs (glutes hamstrings, quads), back, chest and shoulders. So each workout will include at least one back exercise, one chest exercise, one shoulder's exercise and one legs exercise (e.g. Lat Pull Down, Bench Press, Shoulder Press and Squats).

This means each muscle will get around 1 exercise per workout.

So What Is A Split Body Routine?

A split body routine on the other hand, splits your large muscle groups over a number of sessions, ranging from 2 to 5 sessions. So for example you may have one day where you work your chest, one day for shoulders, one day for back and one day for legs. Using split routines, each muscle group is likely to get more than 1 exercise per workout.

There are different types of split routines I recommend you do, and yes, you guessed it, I'm going to show you them.

2 Session Body-Split Routine

This involves getting a full body workout from two sessions. In other words you split your large muscle groups over 2 workouts (e.g. session 1- Chest And Shoulders, Session 2- Back And Legs).

With 4 workouts a week you can cover your body twice doing this, and in each session you can even add 1 exercise working the smaller muscle groups, like biceps, triceps, abs, forearms and calves. You should choose the one you feel requires the most work.

4 Session Body-Split Routine

Here you get a full body workout from 4 sessions.

In a nutshell you work a different large muscle group, each workout. You can also add one small muscle group per workout, so you can complete 3-4 exercises on a large muscle group and 1-2 exercises a on small muscle group per session. (e.g. session 1- chest and biceps, session 2- back and triceps, session 3- legs and calves, session 4-shoulders and abs)

So How Do You Choose Which One Is Suited To You?

Well it all depends on your experience. As a beginner you should start off with a full body routine. This allows your body enough time to recover AND it makes sure you do not overtrain your muscles.

As you get more advanced and become intermediate, you can move from a full body routine to a split body routine, where It is best to start with a 2 session split. Again this is more intense, and provides a better workout than a full body routine, BUT this is only beneficial if your body can take it. So only do this if you are NOT a beginner.

Finally to increase intensity as you become advanced, you can move into the 4 session split body routine. This will provide your muscles the best workout and best growth. But please do not jump the gun, only do this when you are strong enough to, otherwise you will fail!

So There You Have It

You now know what your weekly routine should look like.





What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is many things. Affiliate marketing can provide the necessary tools for the creative and hardworking individual to venture out on their own. Affiliate marketing can provide the opportunity to earn money doing what you are good at. Affiliate marketing can allow someone to use their skills and expertise for there own financial gain, rather than the financial gain of another person or entity. Finally, Affiliate marketing can get people started in their own business enterprises with nearly no cost or risk to themselves.

Affiliate marketing can do all of those things and more. First, Affiliate marketing is perfect for the independent hardworking individual. Many of us are stuck in day to day jobs. We work incredibly hard and receive little reward. There is nearly no incentive to work harder. When you work in the field of affiliate marketing, the world is your oyster. You paid by your performance so the harder you work, generally the better of you'll be. When you work as an affiliate, you are working as a representative of another company. However, your reward is directly linked with what you produce. If you're someone who frequently gets good results at work then this could be a great opportunity for you.

Next Affiliate marketing can provide the opportunity to earn money by doing something that you are good at. Those that have a knack for sales and marketing are perfect for affiliate marketing. Those that are creative and used to hard work can also make an excellent living. Your skills will be used to work for you. If you have a natural knack for these kinds of projects then why not have them increase your bank balance and not someone else's? As an affiliate, anything that you do to increase sales or traffic if it is internet based will benefit you and you directly. The company won't get rich while you say poor. You're the one who will reap the rewards.

Finally, Affiliate marketing can get someone started in their own business at nearly no cost or risk to themselves. Many of us would love to work for ourselves. The two main reasons why we don't are money and risk. You need a decent amount of capital to start even a small business. The risk involved is also tremendous with more than half of small businesses failing in the first year. Affiliate marketing can get you started working for yourself. They handle all of the products and advertising and you just concentrate on selling. If yours is an internet based program, you concentrate on increasing traffic. Most of these programs are free or involve very low initial start up costs. You're paid according to how well you do regardless of how the company is performing.

If you have dreamed of working for yourself then affiliate marketing can be your dream come true. You can make money based on your hard work. You are the one rewarded for your efforts, not a boss or a group of shareholders. You don't have to worry about financial risk. The head company will take care of all the detail allowing you to use your skills to the best of your ability. If you're creative, hardworking and want to be your own boss, consider the world of affiliate marketing. Your skills and expertise could be increasing your bank balance, not someone else's.






What Is The Attraction Of A Home Based Affiliate Marketing Business?

Many of us dream of packing our jobs in. we would love to tell our bosses to take this job and shove it. Many of us are frightened of doing what we most desire. The fear of leaving that secure source of income stops most, those who get past that fear that don't have the capital to get a business up and running.

A home business does take money of it is run as a sole proprietorship. However, starting a home based affiliate marketing business is a completely different kettle of fish. Setting up a home based affiliate marketing business is relatively easy and there are several factors that make it very attractive.

One of the most desirable factors is the privilege of being able to work from your own home. Your home is your most comfortable surrounding. Everything you want and need is right there. Is your have small children, a home business is even better. You can work and still be home with the children. You also don't need to worry about commuting and work wardrobes. You can work when you want and schedule your jobs around your other commitments. Working from home does provide people with many wonderful advantages.

A home based affiliate marketing business builds on that even further. A home business, if it is run as a sole proprietorship will need a significant amount of start up money. Even small businesses need a fairly large amount. Most people rely on banks for the financing which puts them at further risks. When you sign on as an affiliate, the risk level drops by about 90 percent. When you sign up as an affiliate, your either selling goods or services on behalf of another company. You are paid according to how well you perform. You don't have to worry about sales targets and making a certain amount every month. The company you work for worries about all of that. You concentrate on selling the goods and services that you want and increasing your earnings.

A home based business that is run as a sole proprietorship has to worry about competition. Unless you really hit upon a niche market you are likely going to have to attract customers away from already established businesses in your area. This can be difficult because customers tend to trust what they know is good. If you do manage to do it you will be creating some bad blood between you and other businesses. By working through a home based affiliate marketing program, you'll be selling products that have already been on the market. You can actually check the salability of these products with the company. If the products you choose are well known and trusted then you won't have a problem attracting customers. This takes the stress off of you.

A home based business that is run as a sole proprietorship can take years to get established. On average, nearly 70 percent of small businesses fail in the first year. Those that do make still have many hurdles to get past. It usually takes 5-7 years to realize any significant profit in a sole proprietorship. During this time the business owners have to continually promote their business just to keep it afloat. A home bases affiliate marketing business is much easier to manage. You will have to work hard to promote yourself but most of the start up work will be dome for you. You'll have your line of products or services and ways to advertise them. You'll also have support from a company representative. They will be on hand to answer questions and offer advice on how to increase your sales. Remember, the better you do the better they do.

Running a business as a sole proprietorship can be extremely rewarding. If your one of the lucky ones that makes it the financial rewards can be tremendous. However, the odds are stacked against you when you take this option. A home based affiliate marketing company minimizes the risk and offers you support when you need it. You will still have to work extremely hard but they rewards will be well worth it.






What You Need to Know About Affiliate Marketing

Well you have finally done it. You have packed in the rubbish job and told your boss exactly what you think. You have taken the plunge and made the decision to begin your own affiliate marketing business. Affiliate marketing can be very lucrative. It provides people with the opportunity to work for themselves with very little risk to them. Those that are sales savvy, good at marketing and are not afraid of a little hard work can often do incredibly well with an affiliate marketing program.

Affiliate marketing sounds easy but you do need to exercise some caution. You want to avoid the affiliate marketing pitfalls that can ruin your business and worse, have you crawling on your hands and knees back to that boss that now knows how you truly feel.

People tend to get excited when they start a new venture. Unfortunately this excitement and eagerness can cause them to miss key things in their agreement. Whenever you sign up for an affiliate marketing program, you will be expected to sign an agreement. The terms and conditions of the agreement for both sides should be outlined. However, if they want to hide something this is where they will put it. It will either be in the small print, so get your magnifying glass out, or they will baffle you with legal language. Either way, you need to read and understand your agreement thoroughly to avoid disappointment and lost earnings.

If you are signing up for a commission based affiliate marketing program then you need to understand how the term revenue is defined. This is one of the biggest pitfalls of the contracts. They may advertise 5-10% commissions but it all fall on how they define revenue. Most affiliate marketing programs will calculate commission on the gross value of the sale. In other words, the amount of money the site will get at the completion of the sale. You may think that this sounds great. However, you need to read this part of the agreement very carfully. The amount of the sale almost always excludes credit card or debit card payment surcharges. They also are likely to exclude payment and delivery charges as well as any gift wrapping or other surcharges. What sounded like a nice commission is soon shrinking before your eyes. Ask these questions specifically before you sign an agreement.

Some affiliate programs are even stricter in their definition of revenue. Your commission may be based on the profit margin of the sold product. For example, if you help sell a book for 20 dollars but the company only makes 10 dollars profit, you'll receive a percentage of 10 dollars not 20. This can make a substantial difference in your earnings. Again, make sure you understand these things and ask specifically what your commission will be based upon. Read your agreement and look out for odd sounding clauses. These could come back to haunt you later.

Something else to beware of when you work on commission is returns. Many affiliate marketing companies only pay commission out on completed sales and then only if the customer keeps the item. If they return the items your commission could be cancelled. To really rub salt in the wounds, you could be billed for the outstanding commission if you do not have sufficient commission credit built up. Make sure you understand this before signing on. You cannot expect a company to pay you a commission on an item that is returned but make sure you understand their return policy. Find out your rights in this situation.

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to earn money. If you have good sales and marketing skills then it can give you the opportunity to out them to good use. You'll be able to work for yourself and not someone who undervalues and does not appreciate them. One needs to consider affiliate marketing carefully. Make sure you understand your agreement and exactly what you will be paid for. You don't want to have to go crawling back to your boss begging for your old job back.






Whey Protein Vs Casein Protein Powder

What are the chances that you drink a protein shake? Well, If you are looking to gain muscle, I'm guessing quite high! Am I right?

Well, that's good…BUT are you also just one of those zombies who buys whey protein powder over all the others, just because all your buddies seem to always talk about it or it seems to be the most popular?

Well it may not be the right supplement for you!

See both casein and whey protein are found in milk, BUT have different properties, which you need at different times! "What are those properties?", I hear you ask. Well let's get cracking with the science bit and I'll explain…don't worry, I'm going to make this really easy and simple for you understand!

Whey Protein Powder

About 20% of the protein found inside milk is whey. Whey is quite simply a fast acting protein where the body can absorb it and use it within 20 to 40 minutes of being taken.

In that short time span, the level of useable protein in your blood will peak very quickly! This does mean, though, that this protein is also utilized very fast too. So after around an hour, you will lose this high, and those protein levels will come crashing down.

So what does this mean for your muscle gain? And where best is whey protein used?...Well before I come to that, lets look quickly at casein protein and compare.

Casein Protein Powder

Casein protein is the rest of the 80% protein found in milk. Unlike whey, It is a slow-acting protein as once consumed, it takes from 3 to 4 hours for your protein blood levels to reach its peak.

The high that we are talking about here is not even close to that of whey protein though. On a scale of 1 to 10, whey protein would be 10 while casein protein would be a low 3. Now, why the heck would you settle for a 3 when you can have 10? Right?

WRONG! See casein protein raises the protein blood levels for near a massive 4 hours, whilst whey protein raises protein blood levels for ONLY an hour. And this property of casein can be really useful to your muscle gain efforts!

So Where Do You Drink Whey Protein Shakes And Where Do You Drink Casein Protein Shakes?

Well, as I've just told you, whey supplements are best for when you require high levels of protein quickly! So this is perfect for pre-and-post workout nutrition! Taking it just before your workout reduces muscle breakdown DURING exercise, whilst a shake after your workout drives protein to your muscle fibers quickly, when they need it the most. This can really give you massive growth fast!

Casein protein supplements, on the other hand, keeps your protein levels relatively high over time. This is great in preventing muscle breakdown during the day and for meal replacement of solid food where you need to be consuming high protein levels!

So Both Protein Powders Play An Important Role

Where whey protein is NOT great (for meal replacement and for protein outside of workout time), casein powder is perfect. Where casein powder is terrible (for in and around your workout), whey protein powder is perfect.





8 Metabolism Boosters for Weight Loss

Your metabolism is your fat loss foundation.

It keeps burning and burning fat 24 hours a day...the only problem is, do you have a fast metabolism? And if not, what can you do about it to boost your metabolism and burn fat to lose weight?

Your metabolism is basically how many calories you burn each day. Children have faster metabolic rates than adults, and we all know about the legendary metabolism's of teenage boys. That's the metabolism you wish you had.

And while it is inevitable that your metabolism decreases with age, it doesn't doom you to gaining weight. It might even decrease 30% over your life, but really, is that any reason to become overweight? No way. Not when you can turn it around with a couple of simple, proven techniques listed below...

Here are 8 possible metabolic boosters and the truth about whether each works.

1) Strength training

Claim: Boosts metabolism up to 10% after a training program


In fact, despite what many men and women think, harder exercise is better for your metabolism. However, please note that 1 pound of muscle does not burn 50 calories per day.

In one study, women received a greater metabolic boost from using 8 repetitions per set rather than traditional high-rep (12 reps) sets. So stick to harder exercises (pushups and more advanced bodyweight exercises) or dumbbell exercises.

2) Breakfast

Claim: Because it stops your "fasting", it can boost metabolism

True? Maybe yes, maybe no. Your metabolism won't go into
"starvation mode" without breakfast, but it is associated with
successful weight loss. So make it a habit to consume some protein, fiber, & fruit (& even veggies if you can fit them in) at this time. This will keep your appetite in check till your next break or even lunch.

3) Green Tea

Claim: Burns an extra 80 calories per day

True? Not really. It has been shown to burn 80 calories per day in young men on the first day of supplementation, but will this affect last once your body gets used to it? I don't think.

After all, take a look at caffeine. You can find studies that show
it increases metabolism as well. But really, is anyone losing fat
with caffeine? The revolving doors at Starbucks say "No!".

Coffee is okay in moderate doses, and I recommend Green Tea to everyone, but for health reasons, not for fat loss. The only way you will lose fat with Green Tea is if you replace a 300+-calorie Frappucino with an iced, unsweetened Green Tea. Otherwise, don't count on it for much in terms of metabolism.

4) Fat Burners

Claim: Boost your metabolism big time!

See above. Fat burners are simply caffeine pills with a few other
ingredients thrown in. You'll get an increase in mental energy, but that doesn't mean it will significantly boost metabolism or burn fat.

5) Ice Cold Water with Lemon Juice Squeed into it

Claim: The body will burn calories warming up the water and the lemon juice also burns more fat.

Truth? Nice in theory, short in practice. Nobody is losing fat with ice cold water. If it sounds too good to be true - you know the rest of the story.

6) Eating 6 small meals per day

Claim: Boosts metabolism and can help control cholesterol.

True! Simple and effective, and true! Try and split your meals up into smaller meals that can be eaten over the course of the day. This might be part of the breakfast magic...

7) Protein

Claim: Burns more calories (uses more calories in digestion than
carbohydrates or fat).


Now I'm not sure if this is significant, but protein also helps
fill you up longer. And that's where the real benefit comes in -
preventing overeating. And if you want details, another study
showed that animal protein results in more energy burned than
vegetable protein.

8- Interval training

Claim: Interval training causes a greater increase in post-exercise metabolism than regular cardio.

I certainly believe it.

And I do know this. A recent study from Australia found that a
shorter interval program led to more weight loss than a
twice-as-long aerobic training program. This confirms the original interval training study from as far back as 1994 that showed greater results from a shorter interval program when compared to a traditional cardio program.

Bottom line: Intervals work!

So we see that hard work and diligent eating burn more calories and that magic pills and potions don't work.

But that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. My advice? Add
strength, intervals, mini-meals, and protein to your weight loss
plan and you'll be leaner and warmer thanks to your faster

Turbulence Training was built to boost your metabolism,